Margaret Butterworth Award Winners
From left to right, 2019 Winners with MBA organisers, Jude, Alison, Sue and Clare.
Jude Sweeting, Tirath Kaur (Commended with distinction),
Debra Pierson (Commended with distinction),
Alison Soliman, Cynthia Grant (Highly commended),
Sandra Graham (Commended with distinction),
Mohamed Larbi (Highly commended),
Valeria Werner (Highly commended),
Michael Butler (Winner),
Karen Cox (Commended with distinction),
Sue Heiser and Clare Morris.
Award for excellence in dementia care for care workers, domestic and ancillary staff and activity co-ordinators.
Margaret Butterworth
During her lifetime, Margaret Butterworth worked energetically and creatively to improve care for people with dementia, their friends and families. Margaret engaged with the complexity of the modern care world with a quiet but persistent voice. She honoured and shared good practice and believed that simple acts of the heart made all the difference. The award recognises the achievements of front line staff, those who are often in the lowest paid jobs but who give of themselves to improve the lives of people with dementia.
A new chapter begins for the Margaret Butterworth Award for excellence in dementia care.
Now, 20 years after her death and in the 25th anniversary year of the National Activities Providers Association ( NAPA), which Margaret founded, an exciting new chapter is about to begin. From this year the Award is moving from the Dementia Pathfinders family to a new home with NAPA. The MBA will become one of the annual NAPA awards. Hilary Woodhead, Chief Executive of NAPA, said:
“As Margaret was the founder of NAPA, it seems highly fitting in this our 25th Anniversary year, that the Margaret Butterworth Award finds a new home to continue and preserve Margaret’s legacy for the future. We are privileged to take this on to promote the importance of meaningful occupation, so dear to Margaret.”
For details of who is eligible, how to nominate someone and the timescale go to